Mon 15 Jul 2024 7:00pm


Monday 15th July was initially scheduled for Carron Glen, The location has now been Amended and has now changed to Winchburgh Marina, basin and canal. See Dark Room Post  

Therefore this morning I took a run out locally to THE WINCHBURGH NEW MARINA . This basin is now open and although today there were no barges or anything like that there were lots of reflections and opportunities for minimal landscapes, industrial and natural images. So I have taken the executive decision to change the venue to here. I thought it might be interesting to take some images of the development as it develops. Possibly revisiting next year for comparison. At the moment it is possible to park in a custom car park down at the basin. We took a quick scout around. As you face the basin, on the left there is a new road bridge that takes you over to the canal towpath.There is also an old bridge to the right , this is accessed from the main road as well as the towpath. The canal at the moment is full of Meadow sweet and wild flowers . As you cross the new bridge there is a pond visible, (Old Clay Pits ) however as this is scheduled to be turned into a park there is quite a bit of fencing so not sure if it's accessible. We went down the old clay pit road, accessible from the main road. There are a couple of cottages here, and a very small parking area. This also gives access to the canal, but the clay pits were newly fenced, fairly robustly. I spoke to householder on the towpath side and he said that pond may be open along the fence on the approach from the new bridge I spoke about earlier, there was a track and some temp fencing , partly knocked down , but we were short of time so unable to check that out.( I was thinking water fowl and wild flowers ) Around the Marina and tow path its flat ashphalt walking. There is the opportunity to walk back along the canal through Winchburgh, towards Broxburn, where you can either come off at the next canal exit and walk back to Winchburgh.
If you come off here there is also an elevated Kirk /graveyard with some decent views, and you will pass old miners cottages in red brick, now renovated and modernised,and a small skatepark, there is also a kirk opposite the Marina. If you wanted to walk along towards Broxburn you can get a view and shot of Niddrie Castle. and the large Albyn Bing, canal reflections. There is an opportunity if anyone wanted to arrange to leave a car or two at Broxburn for return home. Depending on how far you want to walk.

The previous location for this walk was  suggested by Graham Young, in consultation with Graham  I am now looking into this location in more detail and realise it is a 6.5 mile walk and there are mixed reviews of the Monday 15th July was initially scheduled for Carron Glen, this has now changed to Winchburgh Marina, basin and canal. See Dark Room Post.  

Posted by Elaine Forrest on Fri 12 Jul 2024 2:51pm

Monday 15th July was initially scheduled for Carron Glen, this has now changed to Winchburgh Marina, basin and canal. See Dark Room Post 

Monday 22nd of July, Chatelerhaut Country Park near Hamilton.This is a large estate with a hunting lodge and long views over to Ben Lomond. There are many paths and trails, around the lodge the paths are fairly flat and ashphalt as are the paths around the car park. There are scatterd objects of interest within the grounds and extensive woodland. There is a rough hard core, steepish,  track down to the River that should afford a good view of the arches of the bridge, although a differnt view is possible from near the lodge. There is a similar track down to the top of the bridge and a ruined castle ( folly ) behind this . There are other varied routes within the area that I didnt have time or energy to check. There is a large car park within the grounds next to the playpark that is not locked. Main entry gates are not locked either. Just beyond the car park within the estate,there is a barrier that comes down at 5pm,  for the road that leads from the main estate road up to the lodge, I was told that the barrier is erratic, so may not be down. This does not prevent access to the grounds around the lodge as it is accessible on foot from the main car park. This is a short steep hill, but it might be possible if necessary for anyone to slightly break the rules of the one way system to get you to the lodge. There is parking around the lodge area. I guess a Monday night may not be that busy with vehicles.

SATURDAY 3rd of AUGUST  EDINBURGH FESTIVAL DAY, there will be no Monday night syllabus. subject to date change depending on interest. More detail will be given in the Dark Room .

SATURDAY 10TH of August EDINBURGH FESTIVAL DAY,there will be no Monday night syllabus. subject to date change depending on interest. More detail will be given in the Dark Room.

MONDAY 5TH of August and Monday 12TH of August . Although I had indicated there would be no  summer syllabus for the two Mondays following the festival visits If members wish to go out I have prepared a few ideas. I am fairly familiar with Lanark, my daughter and family live there and I have long thought its a good location for a variety of different shots in different areas . I am sure many of you are also familiar with it. I think its a fairly big project. My thoughts are no 1  Street and architecture, which would involve a walk around Lanark itself , through the various closes and vennels , exploring the area for different shots. No 2 The Loch , suitable for water fowl , landscape , etc . and you could always nip into the Inn for a cheeky wee drink . There is also the cemetry on the left as you head for the town, there is an abandoned catholic church here as well as the ancient ruined church Wallace was said to be married in . This could be combined with either of the previously mentioned venues. No 3 There is Castlebank park, which has some lovely spots in it, open grass and woodland, garden and fairy glen. There are paths (fairly steep though) that lead through the woods to the clyde below.and finally No 4 which is the New Lanark village and the falls of Clyde which also offers a host of different subjects to shoot, from architecture , nature, wildlife and the possibility of another cheeky wee pint in the hotel . I will put a poll up in the dark room to see if there is any interest in any or all of these. 

MONDAY 19th of AUGUST we return to the usual evening syllabus. ROYAL OBSERVATORY BLACKFORD HILL . This was recommended by Bob Hosie as having excellent views over Edinburgh. The grounds around it are also a nature reserve. There is a drivable road to the Observatory with Parking, although to get to the summit there is a short steepish walk on an  ashphalt surface. When checking this out we were unfortunately caught up in torrential rain with no rain gear and it was blowing a hoolie, so we had to turn back off this path. As the festival is still in progress and if  people wanted to stay late, this might be an opportunity for firework photos. There will be more details in the dark room nearer the time. 

MONDAY 26th of AUGUST is the last night of the summer syllabus, the venue is HOGGANFIELD LOCH near Glasgow,  and has been recommended by Carol Mclean. I have not had the opportunity to check this out myself yet , but according to the website there is free access, parking and a flat path that  circumnavigates the loch. It is also a haven for wildlife . More details will be found nearer the time in the Dark Room . 


I didnae recommend Hogganfield Loch. I've never heard of it! lol

Submitted by Carol Mclean on Fri 12 Jul 2024 3:03pm
OOPS must have been someone else . Sorry 
Elaine Forrest
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OOPS must have been someone else then.SORRY 
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